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Log into to register for your MOPRO Account beginning January 14, 2025.

To register, you need to have an email on record with your board. If you have not received an email from us about MOPRO, please contact your board ( to update your records. Many boards have online services that allow you to quickly and easily change your contact information. Please feel free to change your email address using this feature if it is available for your board.

If you need help registering for your MOPRO account, the Division of Professional Registration has two ways for you to have assistance!!

Email and include your license number and your issue! Someone will respond to your email!

Reach out to our call center. Please call 833-373-2936 for help!

MOPRO will give you access to your information 24/7 including, but not limited to:

  • Applying for a license!
  • Renewing your license, whether on time or late!
  • Submitting payments online for your license, a duplicate license, or licensure verification!
  • Changing your name, address, or other contact information!
  • Changing corporate officers or owners of a licensed business!

Other MOPRO features that may be available, depending on your profession:

  • Tracking supervision hours!
  • Tracking continuing education hours!

If you have questions about your license, contact information, or other board - specific questions, please contact them for assistance!

Veterans' Services and Benefits

Fresh Start Act

The Fresh Start Act, passed in 2021, gives an individual with a criminal record the right to petition a licensing authority for a determination of whether the individual's criminal record disqualifies them from licensure. The Act can be found in section 324.012, RSMo. If you wish to petition a licensing authority for a pre-licensure determination of your criminal record, please use this link for the petition form.

Amendment 3 Marijuana Legalization Initiative

     On November 8, 2022, Missourians approved an amendment allowing the legal use of marijuana and expungement of convictions for marijuana offenses as set forth in the amendment's language. The Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) will facilitate all requirements related to legalized marijuana including licensure for cultivation, manufacture, dispensing and sale of marijuana, under the new requirements. The effective date of the amendment was December 8, 2022.

      The Division of Professional Registration and its 41 licensing boards will follow Amendment 3 and its enabling regulations regarding the legalization of marijuana for its licensees and applicants who are qualifying individuals.

     The Division of Professional Registration and its 41 licensing boards will provide additional information as it becomes available from DHSS.

     On November 8, 2022, Missourians approved an amendment allowing the legal use of marijuana and expungement of convictions for marijuana offenses as set forth in the amendment's language. The Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) will facilitate all requirements related to legalized marijuana including licensure for cultivation, manufacture, dispensing and sale of marijuana, under the new requirements. The effective date of the amendment was December 8, 2022.

      The Division of Professional Registration and its 41 licensing boards will follow Amendment 3 and its enabling regulations regarding the legalization of marijuana for its licensees and applicants who are qualifying individuals.

     The Division of Professional Registration and its 41 licensing boards will provide additional information as it becomes available from DHSS.

Amendment 2 Medical Marijuana

     On November 06, 2018, Missourians approved an amendment allowing the use of medical marijuana for individuals with qualifying conditions set forth in the amendment's language. The Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) will facilitate all requirements related to medical marijuana including licensure under the new requirements. The effective date of the amendment is December 6, 2018 and DHSS has until June 6, 2019, to make the application forms available for individuals who wish to become qualifying patients and to begin accepting applications.

     The Division of Professional Registration and its 41 licensing boards will follow Amendment 2 and its enabling regulations regarding medical marijuana for its licensees and applicants who are qualifying individuals.

     The Division of Professional Registration and its 41 licensing boards will provide additional information as it becomes available from DHSS.

Nursing School Expansions